Thursday 7 May 2009

Meeting 4

Part 4: editing

After we filmed our project we had the task to edit it together to result in our final edit. This meant we had to load our footage using logging sheets onto the computer editing software. In this process we had to make sure we loaded a different variety of our shots, even if parts of the acting in the shots went wrong, as it could be helpful for cutaways if we had any problems.
During the edit we have made several changes to our project due to continuity issues and lighting problems. After we get some group feedback we will make our last minute changes.
something we had to pay attention to was the titles and what makes up a title. font, style, over action and seperate page.

Some possible different font and style otions for the title credits.

This is an example of title over action.

This is an example of title on black.

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